选取 6 4名在押青年罪犯与 48名在校中师学生进行父母教养方式问卷测试。结果表明 ,二群体的父母教养方式在情感温暖与理解、惩罚、干涉、偏爱、拒绝与否认等维度上以及双亲教养方式的一致性上都存在显著差异。这反映出青年罪犯的父母教养方式存在两个主要缺陷 :一是极端化倾向 ;二是父母双方的严重分岐 ,这些缺陷是导致青年犯罪的重要原因。
young criminals in prison and 48 students of Middle Normal School were surveyed with Egma Minnen av Bardndosnauppforstan(EMBU). The results indicated that there were apparent differentes between the two groups in warmth of feeling & understanding, punishment, interference, partiality, refusal & repudiation and consistency of parental rearing patterns. It shows that the prarental rearing pattern of young criminal has two principal defects: one is tendentiousness of ultralism; the other is the serious divergence between father and mother.These defects are the important reasons that result in the crime of youths.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University