1For a discussion of the innovations of this area:see Maurie Hillson and Richard T. Hyman,Change and innooation in Elementary and Secondary Organization, 2^nd, ed. (New York: Holt. Rinehart and Winston, 1971.) Glenys G. Unruh and William A.Alexander. innovation in Secondary Education, 2^nd ed(New York: Holt. Rinehart and Winston, 1974. ). 被引量:1
2George. A. Beauchamp, Curriculum Theory.4^th ed Itasca, IT: peacock, 1981. 被引量:1
3Orstein and Hunkins, Curriculum: Foundations, Principles and Issues. Hilda Taba. Curriculum Development: Thoery and Practise (New York Harcourt, Brace and World, 1962). 被引量:1
4John Holt: Children are sensitive to space, in T. G. David and B. D. Wright (EDS) Learning Enviorments Chichgo: University of Chichgo Press, 1975,P, 83. 被引量:1
5Allan C. Ornstein: Components of Curriculum Development, Illinois, School Research and Development 26 (1990). PP.. 204-212. 被引量:1
6Janet Kierstead and Sany Mentor, Translating the vision into Reality in California School, Educational Leadership, 46 (1988). P. 37. 被引量:1
7Stufflebeam, D. L. The CCIP Model for Program Evaluation in Evaluation Models. 被引量:1
8Ralph w. Tyler, Basic principles of Curricalura and Instruction. Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1949, P. 1. 被引量:1