目的 调查分析一起水痘爆发疫情的原因和特点,为集体单位水痘疫情控制总结经验和提供参考依据。方法 自行设计水痘危险因素调查表,通过现场调查和电话访问等方法描述本次爆发的流行病学特征,通过回顾性队列研究探讨疫情发生的风险因素。结果 此次聚集性疫情共发病10例,全部发生在该学校的小学部二(4)班,班级罹患率为20.8%。病例分布在该班级的6个组中,对6个组进行组间发病聚集性的二项分布拟合检验,表明发病有组间聚集性(合并x2 =9.88,P<0.05)。相对于既不乘车也不午休的人群,午休且乘坐校车人群水痘罹患率最高,RR值为8.6(95% Cl:1.2 ~63.6)。接种水痘疫苗人群发病率低于未接种疫苗人群(P=0.042),疫苗保护率为74.1%。结论 这是一起发生在深圳市某学校的水痘聚集性疫情,主要危险因素为校内午餐、午休和乘坐校车等综合因素导致水痘在该学校小学部二(4)班扩散传播。
Objective To investigate the reason and epidemic characteristic of a chicken pox outbreak so as to summarize experience and provide reference for prevention and control of chickenpox outbreak in collective units. Methods Through using self- designed chickenpox risk factors questionnaire,describing the epidemic characteristic of the outbreak by field investigation and telephone interview.Retrospective cohort study was used to explore the risk factors of chickenpox outbreak. Results A total of 10 students were infected chickenpox in this clustering epidemic situation,and all of them were in Class 4,Grade 2 in the primary school. The attack rate of class was 20. 8%(male 16. 7%,female 25. 0%). The patients were distributed in 6 groups in the class. Binomial distribution fit test were employed to analyze the incidence clustering in 6 groups. The result showed that the incidence clustering in groups( combinedχ2= 9. 88,P< 0. 05). Compared with neither taking the school bus nor noon break population,both taking the school bus and noon break population got higher chickenpox attack rate. The RR was 8. 6(95% CI:1. 2- 63. 6). Chickenpox vaccinated population had a lower incidence rate than no vaccination(P =0. 042). The protection rate of vaccine was 74. 1%. Conclusion This was a chickenpox clustering epidemic situation happened in a school in Shenzhen. The principal risk factor was the comprehensive factor for having lunch and non break in school and taking the school bus,which resulted in the chickenpox dispersed in Class 4,Grade 2 in the primary school.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal
Risk factor