汉语"把"字结构在现代汉语中得到广泛的使用。但能否据此而说明汉语正在产生一种语序变化呢?本文针对这一问题从几个侧面展开讨论,说明该结构的出现不足以证明汉语语言正在发生由 SVO 到 SOV 语言类型的转换。其结构本身只能视为一种特殊的形式。
Ba-construction has been widely used in modern Chinese. However, can we, therefore,generalize that Chinese language has undergone a kind of word order change from SVO to SOV?The paper tries to answer the question from several aspects so as to prove that the frequent usage ofBa-constnzction in Modern Chinese cannot be seen as a kind of word order change. Ba-constructionis nothing but a special syntactic construction.
Nankai Linguistics