
江西省居民健康素养现况调查及其影响因素量化分析 被引量:6

Status Quo and Influencing Factors of Citizen's Health Literacy in Jiangxi Province
摘要 目的了解江西省城乡居民的健康素养现状,比较城市居民与农村居民健康素养水平,分析影响居民健康素养水平的相关因素,为政府部门制定相关政策提供参考信息。方法采取多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,按城乡分层共抽取江西省15岁~69岁的常住居民2644名,采用入户调查方式进行调查。结果调查结果显示,江西省居民的健康水平较低,健康理论和基本知识、健康生活方式和行为、健康技能和健康素养总评分4项指标的及格率分别为54.5%、42.6%、50.3%和49.7%。城市居民健康素养总评分及格率为76.4%,农村居民为21.9%,差异有统计学意义。Logistic回归方法分析健康素养的影响因素,结果显示文化程度和城乡是健康素养的独立影响因素。文化程度越高,居民健康素养水平也越高;农村居民相对城市居民,健康素养水平较低。结论江西省城乡居民的健康素养水平较低,有待于通过健康教育等手段提高居民的健康素养水平。文化程度和城乡是健康素养的独立影响因素,提高人群的文化水平有助于健康素养水平的提高。 Objective To understand the current status quo of the health literacy of urban and rural residents in Jiangxi Province,compare the health literacy level between them,and analyze the related factors of the Health literacy levels of residents,so as to provide reference information for the relevant government departments to develop relevant policy.Methods By multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling,2p644 permanent residents of 15 to 69 years old were extracted in both urban and rural areas of Jiangxi Province.Results The survey results showed that the general health level of the residents was low in Jiangxi province.The passing rates were 54.5%,42.6%,50.3% and 49.7 % respectively in the four aspects of health theory and basic knowledge,healthy lifestyles and behaviors,health literacy skills,and the total score of health literacy.There was a significant difference between urban and rural residents in the level of health literacy.The passing rate of the health literacy score was 76.4% for urban residents,while 21.9% for rural residents.The results by the logistic regression analysis of the influencing factors of health literacy showed that:education and district literacy were independent influencing factors.The level of health literacy of rural residents was lower than that of urban residents.Conclusion The health literacy level of urban and rural residents was low in Jiangxi Province.It is to be improved by health education and other means.Education and district literacy are independent influencing factors.Improving the residents' educational level will help raise the level of health literacy.
作者 杨冰 许乐为
出处 《健康教育与健康促进》 2011年第3期164-166,共3页 Health Education and Health Promotion
关键词 健康素养 居民 影响因素 Health literacy Residents Cross-sectional study Influencing factors
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