

Learning on Flexibility from Experiences:Revisiting Housing Estates after 25 Years
摘要 二战以后,丹麦常用的建筑方法是带有十字承重墙的多层建筑,但该设计体系并不能很好地适应其后的建筑改造。因此丹麦住房与建设署于1983年颁布了条例来鼓励3~5层的非营利性住房的技术革新,以适应未来新的用户需求,增加建筑的灵活性。2012年春天,丹麦科技大学DTU管理学院创新性地开展了一个评估工作,目的是研究在25年的建筑发展中原始竞赛作品中的创意是如何实现的。本文采用的数据取自始建于20世纪80年代的15个居民区里的1000~1200个公寓房。本文基于评估得到的临时结果包括在建筑规划和施工阶段把建筑的持续改变能力做到最出色的前6位方案。 In the wake of the Second World War the Danish government tried to increase the capacity of the building industry by establishingnew research facilities,stimulating the housing sector and developing a framework for industrialization.The dominating buildingmethod during this period became multi storey housing with cross bearing walls.Within multi storey housing the developed systemdesign appeared to be less adaptable to later alterations.Therefore The Danish Ministry of Housing and Building in 1983 issuedan initiative to stimulate technology development of residential non profit housing in three to five storeys the target being 'to focuson the possibilities to create buildings which in the future can be adapted to new user demands and applications that we do notknow of to day-and in the short term add flexibility which can create possibilities for individual housing projects'(The Ministry ofHousing,1984,1)During spring 2011 DTU Management at The Technical University of Denmark has initiated an evaluation with the aim of showinghow the ideas from the original competition have been applied during the 25 years period.Thus this paper will review the abovegovernmental policy aiming at stimulating the development of new building designs with an improved technological adaptability tonew demands and flexibility.The data input to this review is extracted from 15 residential areas with a total of about 1000-1200 apartments which were built inthe 1980s after a competition which attracted the leading building companies.This paper is based on the provisional results fromthe evaluation and will conclude in a 'top six' for most successful steps in the planning and construction of buildings with capacityfor incremental change.
出处 《建筑技艺》 2012年第3期54-59,共6页 Architecture Technique
关键词 房屋 灵活性 用户需求 经历 评估 housing,flexibility,user needs,experiences,evaluation
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  • 1Marius Kjeldsen.Industrialized Housing in Denmark,1988. 被引量:1
  • 2The Danish Building Research Institute.Udvikling af etageboligbyggeriet(Development of Multi-storey Housing),1994. 被引量:1
  • 3Bonke,S.et al.Innovation in the Danish Construction Sector:the Role of Public Policy InstrumentsInnovation in Construction An InternationalReview of Public Policies,2001. 被引量:1
  • 4Habraken,John.Lower Housing Costs Through Design for Adaptabilitythe International Colloquium on Low-costHousing Financing,1982. 被引量:1
  • 5The Ministry of Housing and Construction.Konkurrence om videreudvikling af det danske etageboligbyggeri (Competition on redevelopment ofDanish multi-storey housing),1984. 被引量:1
  • 6The Ministry of Housing and Construction.Dommerbet nkning.Konkurrence om videreudvikling af det danske etageboligbyggeri (Committee’’sverdict),1984. 被引量:1
  • 7The Ministry of Housing and Construction.Etageboligbyggeriet-Udviklingsopgaver (Multi-storey housing Development Objects),1985. 被引量:1
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