3Anne Whitehead, Trauma Fiction ( Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2004), p. 4. 被引量:1
4Lawrence Langer, Holocaust Testimonies: The Ruins of Menwry (New Haven, CT and London: Yale UP, 1991). 被引量:1
5Saul Friedlander ed. , Probing the Limits of Representation : Nazism and the " Final Solution" (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP,1992). 被引量:1
6Shoshana Felman and Dori Laub, Testimony: Crisis of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis and History ( New York and London: Routledge, 1992). 被引量:1
7Saul Friedlander, Memory,History, and the Extermination of the Jews of Europe (Bloomington: U of Indiana P, 1993). 被引量:1
8Geoffrey Hartman ed.,Holocaust Remembrance : The Shapes of Memory ( Cambridge, MA: Blackwen, 1994). 被引量:1
9Dominick LaCapra, Representing the Holocaust: History, Theory, Trauma ( Ithaca, NY and London: Comell UP, 1994). 被引量:1