According to the daily precipitation data in artificial precipitation season during May to September from 1961 to 2008 in Liaoning Province,the maximum consecutive precipitation in the artificial precipitation test area is studied based on the maximum consecutive precipitation from May to September in 48 years.The results shows that the period of maximum consecutive precipitation in each month is different,and the variance trends of maximum consecutive precipitation in May,July,August and September are decreasing,while the variance trend of maximum consecutive precipitation in June is increasing.
According to the daily precipitation data in artificial precipitation season during May to September from 1961 to 2008 in Liaoning Province,the maximum consecutive precipitation in the artificial precipitation test area is studied based on the maximum consecutive precipitation from May to September in 48 years.The results shows that the period of maximum consecutive precipitation in each month is different,and the variance trends of maximum consecutive precipitation in May,July,August and September are decreasing,while the variance trend of maximum consecutive precipitation in June is increasing.