在列车的运行过程中,由于地理环境的变化会在列车线路上出现坡道,曲线,直线和隧道等情况,当列车在这些特定线路上运行时会受到不同的外力作用。针对列车在曲线上的多模态运行状态,分析了牵引力、阻力、制动力的情况,建立列车在曲线线路上的刚柔混合多体系统子结构动力学模型。采用微分代数方程(DAE,Differential Algebraic Equations)和常微分方程(ODE,Ordinary Differential Equations)求解列车运动力学方程,提出列车的综合参数优化建议。
During the running process of the train,various kinds of situations such as ramp way,curve line,straight line or tunnel will appear in the route of the train because of the changes of geographical environment.So the train will be under the actions of different external forces when it runs along the specific route.The author aimed at the multi-mode running-status of the train on the curve line,analyzed the situations of the traction force,resistance and the braking force,and established the rigid-flexible multi-body system structure dynamics model of train on the curve line.Also,the author solved the dynamic differential equations of the train by means of DAE(differential algebraic equations) and ODE(ordinary differential equations),and put forward the suggestion on integrated parameter optimization of the train.
Railway Standard Design