With the continuous improvement of drilling technologies,the application of the horizontal well for super heavy oil exploitation is getting wider and wider.And along with the continuous larger scale of horizontal well application,uneven production on horizontal sections has become normal issue.The reason is well completion by screen pipe,severe heterogeneous oil reservoirs and uneven pressure distribution in steam-injection string on horizontal section results from one steam vent on the steam-injection string located at the front of long horizontal section.In order to improve the development result,the temperature monitoring curves of the horizontal well can be applied for rational judgment of the production of horizontal section profile.Separated steam injection allocation technology for the horizontal well is applied.Thermal packer is run into wells for separating annulus space between steam-injection string and screen pipe of the horizontal section into several independent steam injection cavities.And the position,size of the packer and steam injection rate may be optimized.Flexible allocation of steam injection rate for each cavity will be realized through steam injection valve.Segmented steam injection for different areas of the horizontal section will be achieved,so that the production degree of the horizontal section will be raised.It will provide technical basis for continuous stable production in the oilfield development.
Sino-Global Energy
super heavy oil
horizontal well
separated steam injection allocation
application effect