经过多年酝酿和积累之后,中国的外包公司终于开始大规模进军美国市场了。3月的一个早上,美国达拉斯,伊士曼·柯达公司的软件项目经理、印度人Srinivasa Murthy起来参加“2007年度Gartner外包峰会”,他几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛:
In the meeting hall of Gartner Outsourcing Summit 2007, a strikingly colored logo of “ChinaSourcing” grabs all the attendees’ attention. Dozens of outsourcing companies from China take up the central part of the pavilion. It declares through the scale that China’s outsourcing companies are now well prepared to thrust themselves into the US market. The main reason lies with the price. Chinese companies have been aware of the shrinking profits they’ve made in the Japanese outsourcing market, so they decide to...