正所谓风水轮流转,PC三巨头的优劣势此消彼长, 竞争格局日趋复杂。 2006年5月,戴尔的两大举动足以让业界震惊!一是作为英特尔的铁杆盟友,戴尔宣布在其高端服务器产品中采用AMD的皓龙处理器。
Competition among Dell, HP and Lenovo in China reflects their global rivalry among these three PC giants in the world. Though Lenovo is successfully integrated with IBM PC business, it still loses some expected customers and its profit is unexpectedly low. Facing Dell's fierce aggression in China's domestic market, Lenovo changes its incentive system. By greatly increasing bonus, Lenovo mobilizes its salesmen's initiative to expand its market in finance, petroleum and other industry, as well as government a...