通过对李树施用有机肥试验结果表明:黑琥珀品种施用鸡粪后,平均单株产量、平均单果重及果品的商品率分别为25.6kg、92.66g、96.94%,在5个处理中位居第一,平均干周增长率为3.89%,在5个处理中位居第三,树势中庸;皇家宝石品种施用菜饼肥后,平均单果重、果品的商品率分别为60.18g 、97.52%,在3个处理中位居第一,平均单株产量、平均干周增长率分别为6.25kg、5.47%,在3个处理中位居第二,树势中庸。
Experiment of applying organic manure on various plums demonstrated that mean single plant yield, mean single fruit weight and commodity rate of Black plum reached 25.6kg, 92.66g and 96.94% respectively after applying poultry dung, which ranged the first among 5 treatments, mean diameter increment reached 3.89%, which raged the third with normal growth. Mean single fruit weight and commodity rate of anether variety of plum topped 60.18g and 97.52% after applying rape cake, which ranged the first among 5 treatments, while mean single plant yield and mean diameter increment reached 6.25kg and 5.47%, which ranked the second with normal growth.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology