从鸭体、禽胚和细胞 3个方面探讨了雏半番鸭呼肠孤病毒 FZ2 株的致病性。经试验表明 ,在实验室条件下 ,该株病毒可导致雏番鸭、雏半番鸭发病、死亡 ,对雏番鸭的致死率为 14 .3%~ 4 1.7% ,对雏半番鸭的致死率高达 38.5 % ,且死亡鸭表现出与自然感染呼肠孤病毒病死的雏番鸭、雏半番鸭相同的病变 ;人工感染幸存鸭大多生长发育明显受阻。该株病毒经尿囊腔途径接种 ,对番鸭胚、半番鸭胚、北京鸭胚、SPF鸡胚的致死率分别为 10 0 %、96 %、2 8%和 0 ,致死鸭胚的肝脏、脾脏表面见白色坏死点。经蛋传试验表明 ,该株病毒有可能经胚蛋垂直传染。以该株病毒在番鸭胚成纤维细胞 (MDEF)上连续传接 10代 ,结果细胞病变 (CPE)仍不明显 ,表明其不易适应 MDEF。由此可见 。
The pathogenicities of the reovirus FZ_2 strain isolated from diseased semi-muscovy ducklings were investigated in the ducklings,embryonated avian eggs and muscovy duck embryo fibroblast(MDEF).The muscovy ducklings or semi-muscovy ducklings were inoculated intramuscularly with FZ_2 strain reovirus with the mortalities of 14.3%-41.7% even up to 38.5% respectively.The dead ducklings showed the characteristic white pin-head necrotic foci in the liver,spleen,pancreas and kidney as same as the lesions of the muscovy ducklings or semi-muscovy ducklings suffered naturally from this disease.The survival ducklings infected experimentally with this virus were markedly stunted in growth and easily recognized.The allantoic fluid containing the isolate was mortal for embryonated muscovy eggs,semi-muscovy eggs,pekin duck eggs and SPF chicken eggs when inoculated by allantoic cavity with the mortalities of 100%,96%,28% and 0,respectively.The result showed that it could be infected vertically.The serial inoculations on MDEF indicated that this reovirus strain is hard to adapt to MDEF,and bear a higher pathogenicity.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science