婚内强奸是刑法学术界及司法界长期争论不休的问题。本文首先对各派观点进行了系统的梳理概括 ,又从比较法的视角考察了国外主要国家有关婚内强奸的法律制度 ,然后提出了婚内强奸研究的“权利义务说” ,进而以该学说为理论依据 ,对婚内强奸问题进行了法理分析与思考。
Rape in a marriage has long been the argument both in the fields of criminal code and judicature. The author first briefly summarizes the existing viewpoints of this problem and then compares different laws in some major countries. Finally, he analyses the rape in a marriage, putting forwards the theory of privileges and obligations.
Journal of Shandong Police College