Dispersion of ultrafine alumina suspension is examined by using particle size analyzer. The zeta potential and contact angle measurements were used to discuss the electrokinetic behavior and surface wettability of alumina in modifier solution, and to calculate the electrostatic interaction forces and interfacial interaction forces between alumina particles. The aggregation of ultrafine alumina occurs near its PZC. Addition of modifier increases the zeta potential of alumina and its surface hydrophilicity, resulting in increase of electrostatic and hydration repulsion. It makes the suspension of ultrafine alumina completely dispersed. The average particle size of the suspension is decreased from 1.73 μm in absence of modifier to 0.8 μm in the presence of tripolyphosphate. According to polar interfacial interaction approach, the hydration forces responsible for the stability of alumina suspension in the presence of modifier have also been obtained. The extended DLVO theory is successful to describe the dispersion behavior of ultrafine alumina in modifier solution.
Dispersion of ultrafine alumina suspension is examined by using particle size analyzer. The zeta potential and contact angle measurements were used to discuss the electrokinetic behavior and surface wettability of alumina in modifier solution, and to calculate the electrostatic interaction forces and interfacial interaction forces between alumina particles. The aggregation of ultrafine alumina occurs near its PZC. Addition of modifier increases the zeta potential of alumina and its surface hydrophilicity, resulting in increase of electrostatic and hydration repulsion. It makes the suspension of ultrafine alumina completely dispersed. The average particle size of the suspension is decreased from 1.73 μm in absence of modifier to 0.8 μm in the presence of tripolyphosphate. According to polar interfacial interaction approach, the hydration forces responsible for the stability of alumina suspension in the presence of modifier have also been obtained. The extended DLVO theory is successful to describe the dispersion behavior of ultrafine alumina in modifier solution.
HU Yue hua 1,QIU Guan zhou 1,J.D.Miller 2 (1.Department of Mineral Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
2.Department of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah, 412 WBB, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA)
TheNationalKeyBasicResearchProgram!(973) (G19990 6 490 1 1)