An automobile test controlling and managing system with computer network is introduced. The architecture of the local network, hardware structure, software structure, design of the test process, and error tolerating redundant design in work position substituting are presented. At last, the pivotal questions solved are discussed. With an advanced structure, this system is multi functional and flexible. Furthermore, advanced computer technology is adopted to improve its technical degree.
介绍了用计算机网络系统控制和管理的汽车检测系统 .给出了系统局域网的构成 ,系统的硬件结构和软件构成 ,检测流程的设计 ,工位互代的容错冗余设计 ,以及所解决的关键问题 .本系统功能丰富、灵活 ,结构先进 ,采用了当前较先进的计算机技术 ,提高了检测的整体水平 .