Through the experiment of natural seawater exposure corrosion, the antifouling properties of the plate specimens of 90Cu 10Ni alloy were studied, which were processed by different deformations, annealing treatments and surface treatments. The results indicate that after exposure corrosion for half a year, the antifouling properties of the specimens are quite different. The specimens processed by suitable deformations, annealing treatment at 650?℃ and pretreatment of surface film possess both good corrosion resistance and antifouling properties. However, the specimens processed by different deformations and annealing treatment at 450?℃ possess lower corrosion resistance, although they are also treated by the pretreatment of surface film; their antifouling properties change with different deformations. The relationships among the corrosion morphology and microstructure with the antifouling property of 90Cu 10Ni alloy are observed under the scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Through the experiment of natural seawater exposure corrosion, the antifouling properties of the plate specimens of 90Cu-10Ni alloy were studied, which were processed by different deformations, annealing treatments and surface treatments. The results indicate that after exposure corrosion for half a year, the antifouling properties of the specimens are quite different. The specimens processed by suitable deformations, annealing treatment at 650 degreesC and pretreatment of surface film possess both good corrosion resistance and antifouling properties. However, the specimens processed by different deformations and annealing treatment at 450 degreesC possess lower corrosion resistance, although they are also treated by the pretreatment of surface film; their antifouling properties change with different deformations. The relationships among the corrosion morphology and microstructure with the antifouling property of 90Cu-10Ni alloy are observed under the scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
Project( 5 989914 2 -1)supportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina
ProjectsupportedbyStateKeyLabo ratoryforCorrosionandProtection