HPLC along with FT-IR technique was used to study the formation of organic peroxides in the Cl2-ethane-air photoreaction system. Ethyl hydroperoxide (CH3CH21OOH, EHP) and peroxyacetic acid ( CH3C(O)OOH, PAA) were conformed to be the peroxide product in the reaction system. In addition, methyl hydroperoxide (CH3OOH, hydroxymethyl hydroperoxide (HOCH2OOH, HMHP) and two unidentified organic peroxides were detected for the first time. EHP and were the dominant peroxide products. The identification of HMHP showed that Criegee biradical CH2OO may be formed as an intermediate in the oxidation of ethane. Simulation results showed that photooxidation of ethane may make substantial contribution to source of organic peroxides in the atmosphere.
the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. E96-05).