1Richard Lytle and David Bearman, The Power of the Principle of Provenance,Arvhivaria 21, (Winter, 1985- 86). 被引量:1
2Francis Blouin, Convergenees and Divergences in Archival Tradition:A North American Perspective, Second European Conference on Archives : Proceedings, (Paris, 1989). 被引量:1
3Hilary Jenkinson. A Manual of ArchiveAd ministration, (Oxford, 1922) 被引量:1
4Theodore Schellenberg, Modern Archives Principles and Techniques, (Chicago,1956) 被引量:1
5William Ormsby, The Public Archives of Canada, 1948 - 1968, Arvhivara 15, (Winter,1982 - 83). 被引量:1
6Hugh Taylor, Information Retrieval andthe Training of the Archivist, The Canadian Archivist 2,no. 3(1972). 被引量:1