近年来城市和干线的铁路运输得到复兴。在旅客运输中,高速列车为解决道路堵塞和空域拥挤,以及提高环保意识发挥了积极作用。在高速路网紧密相连的欧洲,这种高速列车具有特殊的运输政治意义,轨道高速运输(HGV)在国际上也显得越来越重要。文章对欧洲几种高速列车方案,即动力集中和动力分散动车组、单个车辆方案和铰接式列车、双层列车和加宽车辆列车以及ICE 3和磁悬浮列车进行了比较。
Urban and long-distance railway services have been undergoing a renaissance in recent years.High-speed passenger trains are a suitable answer to congested roads and air lanes and increasing environmental consciousness.As Europe is brought closer together with the planned trans-European high-speed rail network,these trains take on a special relevance from the transport policy perspective.At the broader international level too, high-speed railway systems are becoming increasingly important.
Converter Technology & Electric Traction