Objective To study the effect of intramyocardial administrationof basic fibroblast growth factor on angiogenesis of infarct myocardium indogs. Methods Twenty-four mongrel dogs were randomized into controlgroup and therapeutic group. Acute myocardial infarction was induced byligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery distal to its firstdiagonal branch. As soon as coronary artery was occlused, 50mg of basicfibroblast growth factor in 15ml of saline was injected into the infarct andborder zone in therapeutic group dogs, whereas 15ml saline alone was usedin the same way in control dogs. Every 3 dogs in each group was studied on1st day,3rd day,10th day and 17th day respectively. Electron microscopewas used to observe the growth of capillaries. Angiogenesis was evaluated byimmunohistochemical studies with Ⅷ factor. With sensitivity encoded technique,cine MR and MR perfusion imaging were performed on each dog within 3hours after surgery and before euthanasia to evaluate cardiac function and thecharacteristics of myocardial perfusion. Results In therapeutic group, LVEFimproved markedly since the 10th day. Hypoenhancement on first pass andhyperenhancement on delayed phase appeared in infarct myocardium. Therewere significant differences of the time of upslope, the upslope, peak time ofsignal intensity-time curves and contrast enhancement ratio between infarct andnormal myocardium. The size of infarct myocardium was markedly decreasedon the 17th day. The capillaries grew actively in therapeutic group andmicrovessel density was higher in therapeutic group than in control groupexcept the first day. Conclusion Intramyocardial administration of basicfibroblast growth factor is helpful to increase the growth of microvessels andangiogenesis of infarct myocardium and decrease the size of the infarctmyocardium after acute myocardial infarction.[
Chinese Journal of CT and MRI