Purpose To observe the curative effect of combined acupuncture and medicine on anxiety.Method An acupuncture plus medicine group and a medicine group were established for a comparison of their curative effects on anxiety.Results The total effective rate was 96% in the acupuncture plus medicine group and 64% in the medicine group, and there was a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.001).Conclusion The curative effect of combined acupuncture and medicine on anxiety is better than that of simple medicine. Key Words Anxiety Disorders - Acupuncture Medication Combined - Acupuncture Therapy - Side Effect Author: ZHOU Zhi-hua (1965-), male, attending physicianTranslator: HAN Chou-ping
Purpose To observe the curative effect of combined acupuncture and medicine on anxiety. Method An acupuncture plus medicine group and a medicine group were established for a comparison of their curative effects on anxiety. Results The total effective rate was 96% in the acupuncture plus medicine group and 64% in the medicine group, and there was a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.001). Conclusion The curative effect of combined acupuncture and medicine on anxiety is better than that of simple medicine.