Introduction With rapid development and advancement of economy and society, lots of city groups or city belts with ex-tra-large cities as their centers have been formed in China. The regions these city groups lie in usually havewell-developed economy, dense population, and are regional politics and culture centers. Some groups lie in theregions with high level of earthquake activity, such as the Surrounding Capital City Group with the centers of Bei-jing and Tianjin. Once a large earthquake occurs, its influence will spread to very extensive region and its disasterwill be tremendous too. So earthquake resistance and disaster mitigation of city group will be very significant issue.The cities in a group have close distance with each other; they can carry out unified preparation for disaster as onewhole and reduce the heavy load of single city before an earthquake, and have an advantage of prompt mutual-aidafter an earthquake because of close distance. It is especially significant to mitigate the lose of lives. One importantprecondition is that all the cities in one group cannot be exposed to the same level of destroy during one earth-quake. So the division of city group in the region with dense cities distribution shall be very significant to theemergent mutual-aid in early time after a large earthquake. For this goal, the characteristics and correlativity ofearthquake′s impact on cities in one group need to clearly be considered. The cities with similar features and strongcorrelativity of historical earthquake influence have large chance to suffer same level destroy during the futurestrong earthquake and are disadvantage to provide mutual-aid and shall not be divided into one group. ……