欧洲共同体法院 (EuropeanCourtofJustice)是欧洲共同体的最高司法权威 ,它的设立旨在确保欧洲共同体法律在成员国之间得以统一解释和遵守。直接诉讼 (Directactions)使得欧盟组织、成员国以及自然人、法人可以向欧洲共同体法院直接提起针对其他欧盟组织或者成员国的诉讼 ,是欧洲共同体法院受理的主要诉讼方式。
European Court of Justice (ECJ),the supreme judicial power of European Union (EU) aims to protect the unified application and observation of EU law among member states. And the direct action,which enables EU institutions,EU member states,legal persons and individuals to bring lawsuit directly against other institutions or member states,is the main procedure in ECJ.
Journal of Heilongjiang Administrative Cadre College of Politics and Law