对冬虫夏草及其混淆品与伪品的性状特征和虫体、子座显微鉴别特征进行了分析、比较。发现冬虫夏草的正品、混淆品、伪品在虫体、子座等方面各具特征,可通过虫体表皮绒毛的有无及长短以及子座横切面的子囊壳的着生位置的不同来鉴别它们。冬虫夏草为麦角茵科茵冬虫夏草Cordyceps sinensis.(Berk)Sacc寄生在蝙蝠蛾科昆虫幼虫上的子座及幼虫尸体的复合体。冬虫夏草为我国名贵中药材。具有补肺益肾、化痰止咳之功效,既养肺,阴又养肾阳,为平补阴阳之品。由于市场需求量大,加上生长环境特殊,野生资源日益减少,市场上出现了各种各样的混淆品冒充冬虫夏草入药,严重危害人们的身体健康。
The Cordyceps sinensis and its confusion with the counterfeit goods in the body, Characteristics of sub - blocks to identify micro - analysis, comparison. Chinese caterpillar fungus found in the authentic, confusion goods, counterfeit goods in the body, in areas such as child seat with the characteristics of the Body through the skin and hair of any length, as well as sub - seat cross - section of the perithecium of Health to i- dentify the location of their different. Lysergic fungi Cordyceps for the bacteria Section Cordyceps Hepialidae in parasitic insect larvae on the sub - seat body and the larvae of the complex. Cordyceps for Chinas valuable medicinal herbs. Bufei with kidney, Huatanzhike effectiveness of both Lung - Yin and Yang - Yang Yang Shen, Ping Yin and Yang make up the goods. As the market demand, coupled with the growth of the special circumstances of the declining wild resources, the market appeared to confuse a wide range of goods posing as Chinese caterpillar fungus medicine, seriously endangering peoples health.
Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
cordyceps sinensis
microscopy study