目的 通过测定伴自杀行为的精神病患者血小板5-HT浓度,以探讨其5-HT功能与自杀行为的关系。方法 研究组65例(男21例,女44例);疾病对照组60例(男25例,女35例)。采用HAMD及PANSS评定证状。在治疗前及治疗后6周检测血小板5-HT浓度,采用HPLC及电化学检测仪测定浓度。结果 治疗前两组血小板5-HT浓度的差异无统计意义,治疗后两组差异有统计学意义(P为0.012)。自杀1次与自杀至少2次者之间治疗前血小板5-HT的差异有统计学意义(P为0.035)。治疗后HAMD及PANSS评分的变化与血小板5-HT浓度变化之间无显著相关性。结论 精神疾病伴自杀行为者血小板5-HT浓度未见显著下降。自杀至少2次者的浓度明显降低,提示与1次自杀者之间存在异质性。精神症状的变化与血小板5-HT浓度的变化之间无显著相关性。
Objectives: To study the relationship between suicidal behavior and platelet 5-HT concentration. Method: Sixty-five psychosis patients (M21, F44) with suicidal behavior were enrolled in study group and 60 psychosis patients (M25, F35) without suicidal behavior in the control group. HAMD and PANSS were adopted to evaluate the symptoms. HPLC and ECD were used to determine the platelet 5-HT concentration before and after six-week treatment. Results: There was no statistical difference of 5-HT concentration between the two groups before freatment. However, there was significant difference after 6-week treatment (P=0. 012). Patients with more than once suicidal behavior were with lower platelet 5-HT concentration than those patients with once (P = 0. 035). No relationships were found between the changes of rating scales (HAMD and PANSS) and changes of 5-HT concentration after the treatment. Conclusion: The platelet 5-HT concentration in patients with more than once suicidal behavior is significantly lower.
Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry