光电对抗作为一种电子对抗手段,在现代战争中发挥的作用是有目共睹的,世界各军事强国都在大力发展光电对抗装备.软件无线电(SWR)是实现通信的新概念和新体制,它被视为继模拟和数字技术后的又一次电子技术革命.软件无线电采用模块化设计原则,具有开放的 ISO/OSI 体系结构、良好的功能可编程性和软件可移植性,其思想已被广泛应用到各种电子设备的研制过程.主要探讨光电对抗装备的研发过程中如何应用"软件无线电"设计思想,重点介绍了软件无线电的基本概念、体系结构、基本特征,简要地介绍了光电对抗装备的一般组成,最后给出了判断一套光电对抗装备是否符合"软件无线电"设计思想的准则.
As a means of EW,EOW is playing a clear role in modem wars.Countries with great military power are all developing EOW equipment energetically.SWR is a new concept and system in information communication, which is considered as a new evolution in electronic technique following the Simulation & Figure Technique. Adopting the module designing principle,SWR owns an open ISO/OSI system structure,an excellent functional programming characteristic and a pricking-off capability.The idea of SWR is now widely applied to the manufacturing of all kinds of electronic equipment.Firstly,how to apply the SWR designing idea in the manufacturing of EOW equipment is mainly discussed.Then,the basic concept,the system structure and the basic characteristic of SWR are emphasized.Finally,the average form of EOW is briefly introduced,and a rule of estimating a set of EOW equipment whether it tallies with the SWR designing system is proposed.
Infrared and Laser Engineering