In more than 50 years since the founding of New China,the nature of each significant rural land system innovation was equal distribution of land. The administrative obligatory distribution mechanism of rural land has lead to the serious trend that peasants hold land equally according to the member right of rural collective ,and has stimulated the rapid growth of rural population,in turn ,the growth has brought down the ration of peasant and land. At present,most household contracted lands are being split smaller and smaller,having lost its living ultimate social security function. Although the Law of Land Contract,promulgated lately by the Government,is likely to prevent further distribution of rural land in the eye of the law,peasants' opportunism motivation of continuous land distribution is not easy to put an end,on the ultimate pressure of the contradiction of population growth and land reduction due to the vague property of rural collective land,and some illegal administrative adjustment of rural contracted land by township or village for the purpose of most peasants are inevitable constantly. As a result,a legal establishment of clear private rural land ownership and a substitute of traditional equal land distribution mechanism for market mechanism is the unique right way to create a new rural land system of China in the 21 century.
Journal of East China University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
Land Reform,Cooperative Transformation of Agriculture,People,s Commune,Land Responsibility,Land Responsibility Lengthened,equal distribution mechanism,market mechanism