目的 探讨两种子宫切除术式手术效果及对卵巢功能的影响。方法 选择有手术指征围绝经期良性子宫病变者 1 2 6例 ,其中保留子宫动脉筋膜内子宫切除术 5 7例为研究组 ,传统子宫切除术 6 9例为对照组。结果 两组手术时间、术中出血量无明显差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ,研究组术后排气时间短 ,发生腰腹痛、泌尿系症状体征少 ,术后病率低 ,并发症少。术后性生活不受影响 ,术前术后性激素含量无明显变化 ,围绝经期综合征发生率低 ,均较对照组有明显差异 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 保留子宫动脉筋膜内子宫切除术式安全、可靠 ,对卵巢功能影响小 。
Objective To compare two hysterectomy operations and their influence on ovarian function Methods A total of 126 perimenopausal women with uterine diseases who needed hysterectomy were included in this study,57 of whom underwent intertheca hysterectomy with intact uterine artery and 69 classical hysterectomy as control group Results The operation time and bleeding volume were not significant different between the two groups ( P >0 05) The postoperative exhausting time was shorter in the test group ( P <0 05) The occurrence of pain in lumber and abdomen,symptoms of urinary system and other associated complicates were less in tested group than control( P <0 05) The level of estrogen almost did not change postoperatively in the study group and there was hardly any patient showed perimenopausal signs ( P <0 05) Conclusions The intertheca hysterectomy has little influence on ovary function,which may improve the living quality of the patients
Chinese Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology