目的 研制并应用新的旋动式流产器械,提高人工流产的安全性和有效性,并减少副反应和并发症。方法 利用研制的旋动式流产器械进行流产并与传统的吸宫术进行比较研究。结果 研究组器械的清宫效果、术后阴道流血及复经时间等与对照的吸宫术组比较无差异,而术中疼痛明显小于吸宫术组。结论 初步表明旋动式流产器具有操作便捷、疼痛刺激减少的特点,为人工流产提供新方法。
Objective To develop a new apparatus for artificial abortion, which is not based on negative pressure, in order to improve not only the security and validity but also to reduce the side effects and complications. Methods The design of the new apparatus was physically based on rotation principle. The comparative clinical studies in artificial abortions were done between the traditional apparatus and the new apparatus.Results Two kinds of apparatus showed the same effects in artificial abortions. The time of postoperative vaginal bleeding and the recovering of menstruation after abortion, were the same in two groups, while the reducing of pain during operation was effective in the group with the new apparatus. Conclusions The new apparatus may provide a new convenient and pain release method of artificial abortion.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology
Artificial abortion
Pregnancy, early stage
Negative pressure