本风险研究从地理和管理标准 ,定殖和定殖后扩散的可能性、经济影响评估和传入的可能性及风险管理措施等 6个方面对马铃薯腐烂线虫进行了风险评估 ,结果证实了马铃薯腐烂线虫在中国广泛定殖的可能性和定殖后扩散的可能性及经济影响和进入的可能性都很大 ,从而马铃薯腐烂线虫随从疫区的马铃薯、郁金香、风信子、唐昌蒲等繁殖材料而传入中国的风险极高 ,因此将马铃薯腐烂线虫列为禁止输入的危险性有害生物。
The risk analysis is evaluates the bulb that based on six aspects : geography standard ,manage measure, establish and possibility of later spreading , estimate of economic influence, possibility of entering and risk manage measures. The results confirm that bulb accords tally with the geography and manage standards of quarantine pest in china. There is much possibility of economic influence and entering. Thus, the risk is much for Ditylenchus dipsaci enter china from epidemic area propagate material of Potato, Common Tulip, Breedres Gladiolus, Common Hyacinth, it is necessary for Ditylenchus destructor to be classified as a prohibited dangerous pest.
Wuyi Science Journal