目的 探讨能否在小细胞肺癌(SCLC)病人的外周血中检测到肿瘤特异或相关的基因及其临床意义。方法 收集小细胞肺癌病人的外周血样22份和正常健康人血样20份,采用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)技术,以在小细胞肺癌细胞中高表达神经调节肽B受体(NMB-R)基因作为靶基因对标本进行了检测。结果 检测阈值是10^(-6),在22例小细胞肺癌病人的外周血中有18例(81.8%)检测到了NMB-R基因的表达,而在20个正常人的外周血中仅检测到2例为阳性。其中5例NMB-R基因阳性病人,经化疗后,跟踪复查有3例显示了阴性结果。在预后上外周血中NMB-R基因阳性病人的生存期明显比阴性病人短。结论 用RT-PCR技术检测SCLC病人外周血中NMB-R mRNA是一种敏感且特异的方法,在诊断微转移、判断预后和评估疗效方面也是有益的。
Objective To determine the tumor- specific or- associated gene (is detectable) in peripheral blood (PB) from patients with small cell lung cancer and its clinical application.Methods PB samples were collected from 22 patients of SCLC and 20 healthy individuals. The neuromedin B receptor(NMB - R)gene was target, because it was the most frequent expression on SCLC cell lines. The reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reaction(RT - PCR) was used to detect the samples. Results The lower limit of detection was one tumor cell in one million normal BP cells.The NMB- R gene was detected in 18(81.8%)of 22 PB samples from patients with SCLC at diagnosis whereas 2( 10.0% )of 20 samples in the control group.5 out of the NMB - R gene positive patients were followed and 3 of them showed negative signs after chemotherapy. At prognoses, patients whose PB was positive for the NMB - R gene had a significantly shorter survival than those who were negative. Conclusion The observation suggests that the RT - PCR of NMB - R gene is a sensitive and specific assay for detecting micro - metastases in patients with SCLC. This assay may be useful in diagnosing micro - metastases, evaluating chemotherapy effect and estimating prognoses in patients with SCLC.
Chinese Journal of Difficult and Complicated Cases
Small cell lung cancer
Micro- metastases
Gene detection