《墙头马上》是元代著名剧作家白朴的著名爱情喜剧。它以活泼欢快的笔调塑造了李千金这一个性鲜明的年轻女性形象 ,她率真泼辣、敢做敢为 ;她追求爱情幸福 ,敢于私奔。其一言一行无不折射了对封建礼教的勇敢反抗、对个性自由和生命欲望满足的热情渴望 ,以及对独立人格和女性尊严毫不妥协的捍卫 。
Qiang Tou Ma Shang', a famous love comedy by Bai Pu of the Yuan Dynasty, portrays in a lively tone Li Qianjin, a young woman who is strikingly pure and unreserved in character and so bold and decisive in action that she could even elope with the man she loves in pursuit of happiness of love. Her words and deeds reflect her courageous defiance against traditional feudal ethics, her passionate longing for freedom of character and fulfillment of sex desire, and her uncompromising defense of independent personality and feminist dignity, and thus clearly demonstrates the refreshing spirit of romanticism.
Journal of Xi’an University(Natural Science Edition)