本文对吴月娘形象提出新的观点。认为吴月娘是封建宗法社会一夫多妻制的最大受害者和殉葬品 ,是西门庆家唯一的忍辱负重者 ;是中国妇女传统道德的坚守者。这是一个值得肯定的正面人物 ,不同意那种说吴月娘是“阴险主妇”、“假正经”、“癞皮狗”
The paper expresses the author's new understanding of the image of Wu Yueniang-that is, Wu is the poorest victim and sacrificial person of the monogamy in the feudal, patriarchal society and she is the only one enduring humiliation in ximen clan to maintain the traditional virtues of chinese women. The auther denies the idea of regarding Wu as a treacherous bitch.
Journal of Xi’an University(Natural Science Edition)