

Study of the Effect of Different Vegetation in the Control of the Volume of Soil Fluorides Washed away with Rainfall Runoff——A case study of the phosphorus ore mining area of the Fuxian Lake watershed
摘要 依据年降雨量的差异,将抚仙湖磷矿开采区年降雨量分别为1 200~1 300mm和1 000~1 100mm的区域划分为东大河流域磷矿区和帽天山磷矿区两个研究单元,通过设置野外径流小区,在自然降雨状态下对磷矿开采废弃地与矿区现有主要植被类型土壤营养盐氟化物随径流流失量进行比较研究.研究结果表明:降雨强度是矿山废弃地氟化物流失的关键因子,在大、暴雨状态下矿山废弃地土壤TP流失量远大于各植被类型,对抚仙湖水质产生不利的影响.各植被类型土壤F-随径流流失量主要取决于地表径流量,流失总量次序与径流总量次序相一致,表现为:灌草丛>云南松灌丛>云南松混交林>华山松林>竹林>桉树林,除灌草丛外各植被类型均能对土壤F-随径流的流失量取到较强的滞留作用. Based on the annual rainfall volume, the study chooses the two regions of the phosphorus ore mining area of the Fuxian Lake watershed as two research units; one in the Dongda river watershed( 1 200 - 1 300mm) and the other in Maotian Mountain ( 1 000 ~ 1 100mm) . Through field observation experiments, the authors make a comparative research on the volume of fluorides washed away with runoff from the soil in the discarded mine land and the mining area land with existing major types of vegetation under the condition of natural rainfall. The results indicate; rainfall intensity was the key factor that influences the soil fluorides loss in discarded mine land. The loss volume of soil fluorides in discarded mine land is much larger than that of the land with different types of vegetation under heavy rain and rainstorm. Such loss produces unfavorable effect in the water of the Fuxian Lake. The soil fluoride loss volume of land with different types of vegetation mainly depends on the volume of surface runoff. The order of soil fluoride loss volume is consistent with the order of total runoff volume of each vegetation, which runs as the following: shrub - grass land > clump of Pinus yunnanensis > Pinus yunnanensis woods > Mixed forest > Pi-nus armandii woods > bamboo woods > eucalyptus woods. All these types of vegetation can detain soil fluoride loss effectively except shrub-grass land.
出处 《玉溪师范学院学报》 2006年第6期46-51,共6页 Journal of Yuxi Normal University
基金 玉溪市环保局"抚仙湖流域磷矿开发区对抚仙湖区生态影响研究"项目基金资助 玉市环[2002]155号.
关键词 抚仙湖 磷矿开采区 植被 土壤F-流失量 降雨径流 phosphorus ore mining areas the Fuxian Lake vegetation soil fluorid loss volume runoff volume of rainfall
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