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3IEEE P1484.12/D6.10, Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata. Available: [DB/OL]. http :// ltsc. ieee. org/wg12/, 4/04/2002. 被引量:1
4Cisco Systems, Inc. April 22, 2000: Reusable Learning Object Strategy: Definition, Creation Process, and Guidelines for Building, Available : [DB/OL]. http ://www. cisco, com/warp/public /10/wwtraining/elearning/impl ement/rlo-strategy- v3- 1. pdf, 23/04/2002. 被引量:1
5Clive Shepherd, Objects of interest ,Available: [DB/OL]. http://www. fastrak-consultin g. co. uk/tactix/features/objects/ objects. htm. 4/12/2001. 被引量:1