We perform an exhaustive, taxon by taxon, comparison of the branchings in the composition vector trees (CVTrees) inferred from 432 prokaryotic genomes available on 31 December 2006, with the bacte-riologists' taxonomy-primarily the latest online Outline of the Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteri-ology. The CVTree phylogeny agrees very well with the Bergey's taxonomy in majority of fine branchings and overall structures. At the same time most of the differences between the trees and the Manual have been known to biologists to some extent and may hint at taxonomic revisions. Instead of demonstrating the overwhelming agreement this paper puts emphasis on the biological implications of the differences.
We perform an exhaustive, taxon by taxon, comparison of the branchings in the composition vector trees (CVTrees) inferred from 432 prokaryotic genomes available on 31 December 2006, with the bacte-riologists’ taxonomy—primarily the latest online Outline of the Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteri-ology. The CVTree phylogeny agrees very well with the Bergey’s taxonomy in majority of fine branchings and overall structures. At the same time most of the differences between the trees and the Manual have been known to biologists to some extent and may hint at taxonomic revisions. Instead of demonstrating the overwhelming agreement this paper puts emphasis on the biological implications of the differences.