1 引言电力工程设计是电力基本建设的重要环节,工程能否如期建成投运,保证质量,节约投资,取得更好的经济效益,设计是关键.从2007年起,我局推广采用由三台主变组成的110 kV变电站的标准化的设计方案,此种设计方案从电气一次到二次方面都较原来的两台主变组成的110 kV变电站更合理、经济.下面就以110 kV东桥变电站的设计方案为例与同行做一些探讨(本站已于2008年1月顺利投运).……
This paper recommended by the three main transformer component of the 110kV Substation standardized design of this programme of change for the two main components of the 110 kV substation, its flexible wiring, the building of moderate size, ease of transition and expansion , and other features, is more suited to rapid load growth in concentrated areas, and through actual case on the merits of such a programme.
Electrical Engineering