目的 探讨非地方性甲状腺肿的发病原因及治疗问题。方法 回顾性总结了我院 1988~ 1999年甲状腺肿外科治疗的病例共 889例 ,按其职业、性别、病理检查及近年来的手术例数进行分析 ,并探讨其诊治问题。结果 重体力的女性是发病的主体 ,其病理改变与地方性甲状腺肿类似 ;自碘盐普及后手术人数逐年下降。结论 非地方性甲状腺肿的病因与碘缺乏有关。手术目的是切除有压迫症状、无功能或恶变的甲状腺组织 ,术后服碘盐是预防再复发的重要措施。
Objective To analyze the cause and therapeutic problem of sporadic goitre.Methods Retrospective analysis of clinical data was performed in 889 non-endemic goiter patients from January 1998 to December 1999,all of them had been operated. The therapeutic problems of sporadic goitre were discussed according to the analysis of the patients’pathological examination, the operation, their occupaton and sex.Results A great number of patients were female and physical labourers. Their pathologic changes were similar to endemic goitres. The operative rates were decreased after widespread iodine fortified salt in recent years.Conclusion The cause of the non-endemic goitre has concern with iodine deficiency. Supplying the iodine fortified salt is a significant measure to prevent the recurrent goitre.
Non-endemic goitre Cause of disease Prevention and cure