Engine noise source identification is essential for making noise reduction strategies.Predominant noise sources of engines are normally identified as some cover components such as oil pan, valve cover and front gear cover etc. The radiated noise sources of a 6-cylinder construction diesel engine are identified with two methods-lead covering technique and surface vibration technique,and the ranking of the major cover on the basis of acoustic power is presented in this paper. Firstly the sound power level of these cover components and their contributions to the total acoustic power are determined with lead covering method under hemi-anechoic condition. Then the vibration characteristics of these components are investigated. The sound power level of various components is predicted via the mean square area average vibration. Both results basically agree well and verify the effectiveness of both techniques in engineering field.
发动机噪声源识别对于制定发动机降噪措施十分重要 ,而像油底壳、气门罩、前齿轮室盖等罩壳类零件通常是发动机的主要噪声源 .本文用铅覆盖法和表面振动测量法对一台六缸工程机械用柴油机进行了表面噪声源识别的研究 ,得到了罩壳类零件按噪声能量大小的排列顺序 ,文中首先在半消声条件下利用铅覆盖技术测量了这些罩壳类零件的声功率 ,然后又研究了它们的振动特性 ,并通过表面振动速度的面积时间均方值预测了其声功率 .两种方法的测量结果吻合较好 。