针对多运动目标实时监控的情况,提出了一种新的差分方式——逆向差分GPS(Inverse Differential GPS,IDGPS)。并提出CDMA技术同IDGPS相结合来解决多目标识别的方案。此方案具有抗干扰性能好、抗衰落能力强以及信息传输可靠等优点。
This paper introduced the conception of IDGPS(Inverse DGPS), a new mode of DGPS, in order to position multiple dynamic objects. It submitted that we could combine CDMA(Code-division Multiple Access) and IDGPS to resolve the problem of the multi-object recognize. By using this method, we could increase the antijam capability, the interference rejection capability and the LPI(low-probability of intercept) capability.
Journal of the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology