The Baiji dolphin is an endemic,rare and precious freshwater mammal of China,distributing exclusively in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,with apopulation size of around 200 only,apparently an endangered species on the point ofextinction.Main threat to the survival of this species came from the diminution of the fishresources of the Yangtze River,the prevailing use of detrimental fishing tackle,therapid growth of the inland navigation,the large-scale dredging of the river channel,the construction of hydro-electric projects.the pollution of water bodies,and alsofrom the intrinsic physiological defect of the Baiji dolphin.Based on the results of our long-term research work,we proposed three cardinalmeasures:the establishing of Semi-natural Reserve for the Baiji dolphin,the propaga-tion of Baiji under cultivation,and the instituting of Yangtze River Nature Reservefor this animal.With the joint efforts of governmental organizations at all levels andresearch institutions,the three proposed measures are being implemented,thus providingfavorable conditions for the conservation work.Nevertheless,the work is faced withquite a number of difficulties,and the assigned task is a hard nut to crack.Therefore,we hope that extensive international cooperation can be organized,so as to effectconcerted efforts to rescue this endangered species.
Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin
The Baiji dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer)
causes of endangerment
conservation measures