目的初步探讨高血压脑出血患者不同时间段血清细胞凋亡因子的变化趋势。方法根据患者发病至手术的时间分为3个不同的时间组:超早期组(<8 h)16例;早期组(8~24 h)17例,延期组(>24 h)10例,分别于术前采静脉血,应用ELISA法测定血清sFas和sFasL浓度。结果脑出血患者组血清sFas和sFasL浓度与正常对照组比较显著增加(P<0.01),脑出血发病<8 h时,患者血清sFas和sFasL浓度较正常对照组显著增高;8~24 h时血清sFas和sFasL水平达高峰,与超早期组相比血清sFas及sFasL水平有显著性差别,脑出血>24 h时,血清sFas和sFasL水平开始逐渐下降。结论高血压脑出血患者出血灶周围可能存在细胞凋亡,且血清细胞凋亡因子变化可反映出血灶周围神经细胞凋亡水平。
Objective To observe and analyze the dynamic changes of serum sFas and sFasL concentration in hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage patients.Methods 43 cases of such patients were divided into 3 groups according to the time since operation:super-early phase(<8 h),early phase (8~24 h) and delay phase(>24 h).Strepavidin-biotin ELISA was used to determine the serum sFas and sFasL concentration in difference time phase of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage.Results The serum concentration of sFas and sFas-L of hy...
Heilongjiang Medical Journal