德州地面沉降监测时间为 2 0 0 0年 3月至 2 0 0 0年 8月 ,使用仪器设备为AT -G2水准仪和 2m铟钢水准尺 ,外业记录和内业数据处理在PC -E50 0机上使用专用软件完成。共观测一等水准 70 .2km ,联测 2 3个点 ;二等水准 1 65 .2km ,联测 48个点。对观测结果进行统计分析 ,发现该市城区绝大部分监测点均有下沉 ,主要沉降区为西北部 ,沉降量最大为 31 7mm ,平均沉降量为 30mm。由于此次监测的客观条件有限 ,监测结果尚不能全面说明问题 ,建议今后在监测时间的安排。
In subsidence monitoring of Dezhou city, taking time is from March 2000 to August 2000. Using instrument equipment is level AT G2 and 2m invar leveling staff, and field record and data processing are made with special program of PC-E500 computer. Observation workload is as following: Ⅰorder leveling route length is 70.2 km, Ⅱ order leveling route length is 165.2 km; Ⅰ order bench mark is 23 points, Ⅱ order bench mark is 48 points. Through statistics analysis of observation achievement, it is discovered that a majority of the monitoring points (bench marks) in urban area have been taken place to go down and main subsidence area is in northwest region, and that most subsidence value is 317mm and average subsidence value is 30 mm. Because of finite condition of this monitoring, monitoring achievement does not enable to explain roundly the subsidence problem. In aftertime monitoring, such plans as monitoring time arrange, establishment of monitoring datum and so on should be improved in pertinence.
Surveying and Mapping of Geology and Mineral Resources
Ground subsidence
Environment geology