目的:探讨面颈部烧伤的最佳治疗方法。方法:对 1990~ 1999年采用烧伤湿润暴露疗法( MEBT)治疗的 235例面颈部烧伤病人的疗效进行回顾性总结,并与同期采用磺胺嘧啶银( SD- Ag)暴露治疗的 150例病人的创面愈合时间、色素沉着、瘢痕形成等情况进行比较分析。结果: MEBT治疗的面颈部烧伤创面愈合快、色素轻、不易形成瘢痕或瘢痕增生轻微。结论: MEBT治疗面部烧伤其疗效优于 SD- Ag疗法。
Objective: To investigate an efficacious method for treating faciocervical burn. Method: 235 cases of faciocervical burn were treated with MEBT and 150 cases of the same disease treated with SD- Ag Cream using exposed method as a control. Results: MEBT was superior to SD- Ag Cream. MEBT had better pain killing effect, more comfortable sensation and shorter healing time, and resulted in slighter pigmentation and fewer scars. Conclusion: MEBT is better than SD- Ag Cream for treating faciocervical burn.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers