本文研究了湘潭汛期 (4~ 9月 )洪涝与南方涛动指数 (SOI)和厄尔尼诺 (ElNino)事件的遥相关联系。结果表明 ,南方涛动指数异常偏负 (弱 )以及厄尔尼诺事件的滞后影响对湘潭汛期洪涝的短期气候预报有很好的指示性。在统计分析的基础上 。
WT5BZ]The telecomection between flooding in Xiangtan in period of Apr~Sep and SOI,El Nino was studied The results showed that,anomalously small(weak) SOI and the lag effect of El Nino are good indications to the short term climate prediction of Xiangtan flooding in flood period On the basis of statistical analysis, we established a physical model for operational flooding prediction in the flood period in Xiangtan
Guangdong Meteorology