在分析珠江三角洲地区历史、现今地震活动性和前兆观测资料后认为 ,今后几年该区将处于地震活动水平较低的平静时段 ,陆地区域发生MS5级以上地震的可能性很小。未来地震的可能性将主要来自陆地 4级地震、周边地区和近海海域 5级地震。
After analyzing the historic earthquake catalogue, present seismicity and observed precursor data of Pearl River Delta area, we consider that it will be in a quiet period with low-level seismic activity in some years to come.The probability of occurring M S≥5 0 earthquake is very small on the land. The about M S4 0 earthquakes in the future will mainly come from land and the about M S5.0 earthquakes in the future will come from the surrounding area and offshore area.
South China Journal of Seismology