探讨了泥石流入汇后随主河水流运动的几种可能形态和运动特点 ,分析了泥石流入汇与主河河床演变的关系。根据所提出的河型分类模式 ,分析了泥石流对河型形成的影响 ,按河岸可动性与河床可动性的比值 ,将主河河床演变分为单股和多股 ;按主河水沙搭配指数的大小将主河分成低滩和高滩。对不同类型河流河床演变进行了分析 。
River patterns for both alluvial and non alluvial streams are presented according to the relation between water and sediment supplies, and the erodible condition of riverbed and banks or floodplains. If the banks are harder to erode than the bed the stream will become single channel, such as meadering and straight channel. If the banks are easier to erode than the bed the stream will tend to be multiple channels like braided or wandering rivers. They have different characteristics and mechanism. Based upon investigations on fluvial process in some mountainous area of China, particularly in which debris flow often occurs, river channel changes due to debris flow of tributaries are analyzed. Two types of river channels are also classified. One type is called single channel, and the other is called multiple channels. Single channel, both meandering and straight channels, behaves as rapid and pool systems on the profile of the main stream. From the plan view, some single channel usually looks meandering because of lateral restriction formed by deposit fans of debris flows, and some looks straight, as the river is completely limited among the valley. Multiple channels, like braided or wandering channels in alluvial rivers, have several watercourses on the channel bed, which was built by the debris flow deposit.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
国家重点自然科学基金! (编号 498310 10 )
国家重大科学基金和水利部联合项目! (编号 5 9890 2 0 0 )
river patterns