A total of four times of rhabdosome complication events, i. e., the lateralbranching of graptolite stipes during the Late Middle Ordovician, the secondary branching ofgraptolite stipes at the earliest Upper Ordovician, the early Qiantangjiangian of Upper Ordovicianand the middle Qian-tangjiangian, respectively, is discussed in this paper. These events and otheradaptation events demonstrate close relationships between a diverse graptolite fauna and sea levelchanges, and consequently can be employed to study sea level fluctuations. It is safe to concludethat the complication of rhabdosome started at the maximum flooding surface (MFS) and terminated atthe beginning of regression.
A total of four times of rhabdosome complication events, i. e., the lateralbranching of graptolite stipes during the Late Middle Ordovician, the secondary branching ofgraptolite stipes at the earliest Upper Ordovician, the early Qiantangjiangian of Upper Ordovicianand the middle Qian-tangjiangian, respectively, is discussed in this paper. These events and otheradaptation events demonstrate close relationships between a diverse graptolite fauna and sea levelchanges, and consequently can be employed to study sea level fluctuations. It is safe to concludethat the complication of rhabdosome started at the maximum flooding surface (MFS) and terminated atthe beginning of regression.
ThispaperisfinanciallyaidedbyChinaGeologicalSurveyProject (No .2 0 0 1 1 390 0 0 72 )